Make A Difference

2009 Archives

Make A Difference
Bro. Eddie C. Villanueva

She was working as a laundry woman. But she managed to save a hundred and fifty thousand dollars through this job. When the University of Southern Mississippi in South America held a fund drive to support the poor but deserving students, this woman donated her savings. She gave her money without struggling at all.

When asked why did she give it, she answered with a smile, “I have all I need; a small house, a bed and a Bible.”

Later, she received the Presidential Citizens Medal for what she did.

She was an ordinary citizen like all the rest of the people in the world. But she did a remarkable thing. She made a difference. And that was without fanfare.

Her story does not only inspire us. It makes us think about how we live. Do we do all things to benefit others? Do we mind if the people around us need our help? Or don’t we? Never mind if they cry in dire need for as long as we are in our comfort zones?

One more story will urge us to ponder on how are we living our lives.

Apples flew all over the place as the man hurriedly passed through the crowded aisle on his way to the airport. He had to catch the flight to be home for the thanksgiving dinner.

He was already on board. But he could not forget the young lady that sells the apples. He bumped into her stuff when he was running. He could not make up his mind whether he should get off the plane or not. He kept asking himself whether he would say sorry or not. Or just go home and meet his family. Guilt got in the way. He opted to miss that trip and see the apple vendor.

He was shocked when he found that the poor girl was still down on the floor. She was groping for her apples. She was helpless. She was blind. And no one dared come to her aid. He hurried to help her. He separated the spoiled from the still good ones. He helped her put them in the stall. He gave her a twenty dollar bill for his misdeed and turned back to catch the next flight home.

He had not gone far yet when he heard her call him. “Hey mister! Are you Jesus?” She was teary eyed.

We need not have all things in this world before we could be able to reach out a hand to help. We only need to look beyond our own needs. It is never late to touch someone else’s life. Someone who needs our help. We never know how big is the difference that we can make in that life.

For we are to “…walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:10)

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