The Man

Teachings for Men


The Man

I. Introduction:

– LG leader gives out a small piece of paper to each member.

– LG leader asks each one to write three (3) words that come to mind when they hear

the word “man”

– LG leader requests two to three members to share and explain their answers.

– Afterwards, LG leader stresses the importance of knowing how one can become the

man pleasing before God.

II. Scriptural Verse:

“It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for … part of the

overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” – Ephesians 1:11 (MSG)

III. Key Points: What is the portrait of the man of God?

A. The man values his calling. (relationship with God)

ñ- He knows that the Almighty God created him with special characteristics.

o Strength

o Independence

o Intellect

– He recognizes his capabilities and uses them wisely.

– He acknowledges his weaknesses and seeks help from others.

B. The man treasures his character. (relationship with self)

– He is well aware of God’s standard for upright living.

o Righteousness

o Integrity

o Faithfulness

– He evaluates himself and aims for character development.

– Thus, he submits to the Holy Spirit’s life-changing power and follows His


C. The man cherishes his role. (relationship with others)

– He believes that he plays significant roles in the family.

o As Father

o As Spiritual Leader

o As Protector

o As Provider

– He is diligent in helping his wife and children grow holistically.

– He leads the family in character development.

IV. Conclusion:

In a nutshell, the man of God walks with a balanced view of God, his own self and his family. To see the Creator’s masterpiece in him is his lifetime mission. And as he lives with a growing love for God, he experiences amazing love within him for himself and for his family.

Reminder/s to the LG Leader:

After the discussion, allot time for sharing within the group. Ask them this question: “How did the discussion change your image of what the true man is?” Let each of them share the new perspective that about being the man they have acquired to the group.

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