A Story of Passion: The JIL Love Story Musical


Michelle Cristina G. Gamutan

A unique presentation of the JIL Love Story.

No matter how many times the story is told, it never fails to elicit a feeling that touches the heart, awes the mind, and refreshes the soul. Today, we relived the JIL Love Story in a musical rendition conceptualized by husband and wife duo Marlon and Joanne Oliveros and directed by Ramil Mendoza.

More than just a showcase of talents hailing from several outreaches, the JIL Love Story Musical truly transported everyone to a time when a disillusioned youth, angered by the shameless oppression of the Filipino people, took it upon himself to try to put things right out of the sheer power of his own will and a raging passion in his heart. His intentions were sincere, but his ways were not God’s ways and his plans were not God’s plans. Like in every story found in the Scripture, whenever God intends to move powerfully through us, all of our plans just have to yield unto God’s will. Unsteady moments propel us to frantically search for answers that simple human logic cannot fathom.

It was the experience of Eddie Villanueva. The turning point in his life – just before he became Bro. Eddie – was orchestrated by God through his sister, Lenie. Played by Janine Del Mundo, the sister urged Eddie to seek the one true Rock, the unshakeable foundation of truth and justice whom he has long rejected and dismissed as a mere myth. The song, “Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos” by Gary Valenciano and interpreted by Bro. Zion Pineda who plays the young Eddie, perfectly portrayed that pivotal moment when God breathed life in his hardened heart. He accepted God’s calling.

Thus began the Jesus Is Lord Church, with fifteen students from the Philippine College of Commerce (now Polytechnic University of the Philippines) played by Gail Guererro, PJ Kaquilala, Pai Averilla, Jeremicah Perez, Leslie Ureta, Joan Biglang Awa, Marites Codillo, Jazmine Garcia, Jasmine Morelos, Emmanuel Chua, Elmo Maquiling, Peter Arian Vito, Charmilyn Lloren, Sarah Faye and Christopher Mabilangan. Though skeptical at first, these students simply could not ignore the powerful call of God through the then JIL Fellowship.

It is inconceivable how God chooses to move through any of us, how far the ripples of our life’s choices can take us and affect the lives of so many others. Had Bro. Eddie ignored his true calling, thousands of people would not be here today, celebrating 38 years of grace, mercy, and favor under the banner of the Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide, reaching 55 countries all over the world. Indeed, this is a unique love story of God for His people, a love that is as passionate as it was 38 years ago. Today marks another chapter, a New Beginning, of a story that is unparalleled in the glory, splendor and faithfulness of its Author and Finisher.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

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