Intimacy with God Updates

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Success is always accompanied by growth. And for the Jesus is Lord (JIL) Church which is one of the most successful Churches not only in the Philippines but in the world, growth comes in many forms, including optimizing technology to minister to people.


For the first time, the JIL Church engaged in a webinar during the “Intimacy with God: Reaching Deeper into the Heart of God” Conference held last September 15 at the Music Museum in San Juan City and September 16 at the JIL Church in Tanauan, Batangas. The Conference featured internationally sought-after author and speaker Bob Sorge.

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Intimacy with God” Conference:

September 15, 2010 at the Music Museum

Speaking in a voice just above whisper, Bob Sorge’s message spoke loud in the hearts of everyone listening to him. All agreed, it was a powerful message.


When you place your faith and loyalty on the cross, you are unlocking the infinite passions of the uncreated God; you are touching God at the center of his being… Abba Father downloads to you the riches of his mercy, grace, forgiveness, healing, acceptance. All because you chose to place your faith in the blood of Jesus Christ!”

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“Intimacy with God” in Batangas

September 16, 2010 in Tanauan, Batangas

Waiting is nobody’s favorite activity, but concluding his two-day speaking engagement in the Intimacy with God Conference on September 16, renowned author and speaker Bob Sorge unleashed a provocative epiphany on the dreaded (and sometimes boring) crucible of waiting.


“Fast answers don’t change you. If you get what you want as fast as you want it, nothing’s changed in you… In the fire and pressure of that trial, God will rewrite how you feel, how you talk, how you walk, rewrite your priorities, your values, your motivations and your personality so that you’ll come through this trial not simply delivered but conformed to the image of the Son,” Sorge said.

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