2015 Archives
August 28, 2015 by admin | Leave a Comment
C-L-E-A-N. These five letters may be incomprehensible to you— You who are living a life of lies and deceptions... who are running against the law… who are stealing things, forbidden moments—even futures and lives. Or you who are being haunted by your murky past: an illegal job… a police record… an abandoned family… a bloodstained knife. Even you who everybody perceives as pristine clean—innocent—but are hoping for the demise of somebody… nurturing wild imaginings… plotting evil schemes
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“In this world you will have trouble.” Think of dwindling economy, job layoffs, bill pileups, hospital medications, relationship glitches, and deep heartaches. We see these happening all around us—even experience these ourselves. So much so that we might be thinking, ‘Are we still in the era of wars and conquests?’ Life IS a battle. Living with this fact, however, does not mean life has to be miserable. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I HAVE overcome the world.” That, from the One who commands the hosts of angels, who commands rain to pour forth and storm winds to be still—the very One who commanded this world to existence.
July 15, 2015 by admin | Leave a Comment
To say that she was desperate is an understatement. She had been bleeding for twelve long years. She should have been limp and powerless. She should be staying at home. But she knew that the help she had been waiting for for years had come, so she battled her way out to touch just the edge of His cloak. The result? “…and immediately her bleeding stopped.” He was her only son. So when he died, she did not just cry. She howled and bawled. Seeing her irrepressible grief, He reached out to her and said, “Don’t cry.” But He did not stop there. He touched the coffin and said, “Young man, I say to you, get up.” And the boy did!
May 4, 2015 by admin | Leave a Comment
A God who is perfect… spotless… holy. Such a God should NOT have anything to do with men. Vile and corrupt in every way, we are His exact opposite. He SHOULD have been revolted. But He was not. Instead, He did the most unthinkable act: He embraced us… Clothed us with His righteousness… Sent His only Son to bear our sin—even became sin for us. All these, just so we could be granted entrance into His holy courts. JEHOVAH TSIDKENU. Through Him we are forgiven. Deception, evil plotting, sexual fantasies, physical abuse, rape, murder—whatever our sins may be—if we repent and ask for mercy, we will be forgiven. Because there on the cross He bore the sin of all mankind.
April 30, 2015 by admin | Leave a Comment
Over and over again, our beloved nation is bewildered by the despairing evils in the society. We hear of reports such as theft, robbery and murder that claim lives of innocent people. Moreover, we are not blind to the reigning oppression that violently deprives the poor and the needy of the quality of life. Sadly, in all of these, we hunger for truth to be upheld and justice to be served to our fellow countrymen. Amidst the despairing scenario, the Almighty God gives us hope by revealing Himself as Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. This is a consoling message to each one of us who might be tempted to believe that all our efforts to fight against the evils in the society are futile. We remember that we have a God who is against all forms of wickedness. Thus, we can say that Tsidkenu is always on our side in this fight for the triumph of good in our country.
February 3, 2015 by admin | Leave a Comment
More than 100 million Filipinos – this is how numerous we are right now. Consequently, this means that we certainly live in a diverse community with different languages, cultural orientation and religious beliefs. This is precisely the reason why we are like a flock of sheep that desperately needs a true shepherd. As a nation, we are totally helpless on our own, making sustainable growth and progress unattainable for us. Add to this the conflicting perspectives that divide us into fragments, leaving us unable to work as one country.